1) How come I watch pornography and still see visions?

2) My name is Donald, am a practicing Christian.. but when I went to the university.. I became a porn addict and later end up in masturbation.. so one day a pastor came to our school, and started to praying to people. after a while he said that the holy spirit showed him that someone is struggling with masturbation.. so he wanted that person to come to the alter to be prayed for. I was really troubled and I refused to go to the altar. is that blaspheming the holy spirit?

3) most shocking is that i watch pornography and still hear God encouraging me on other dealings? 

4) Gosh I can not even imagine it, how come a praying man became a puppet n the hands of the devil?

5) Do the Bible even condemn pornography? Why then must I abstain.

6) I struggle with a desire to look at pornography, as well as to read erotic stories and to masturbate. Now, I cannot tell if all of these three things are even related. Could any of those things possibly be okay, and under what circumstances? Because I believe that sexual desire is natural but not necessarily sinful, but lust is sinful, and I have trouble distinguishing between the two. Could masturbation be a way of staving off temptations to lust? Could doing things with my girlfriend function in a similar way?

7) Lastly, seems am doomed...snobs!

"For a spiritual porn addict, worshipping alone in your bedroom doesn't even compare to the ten member band, complete with lights and a state-of-the-art sound system. An addict doesn't even feel like they've experienced worship until they got goose bumps, sang their heart out and then cried like Miss America during the last song. REAL worship almost never provides any of those modern day conveniences. It's like comparing a sincerely written Thank You note to an AC/DC concert."

"Just like marriage in the physical realm, true relationship with God cannot be expected to deliver a constant state of passionate spiritual arousal.There are times when this happens, but if you hang your entire relationship on it, you're in for a world of disappointment.In many ways, some churches remind me of the married couple who based their relationship on their "hot sex life".When things inevitably cool off, they have to participate in even more bizarre and wild behavior just to keep it "hot and alive".It certainly explains why so many Christian groups get caught up in crazy spiritual fads. Their spiritual perceptions of relationship demands that things be kept at a spiritually sensual boiling point at all times.It's like they are open to anything that will rekindle the fire of their spirituality for just another day."

"Survival in the real world of "relationship with God" comes in finding enjoyment in the little things, and in "the long run" of life.It comes when you commit to being normal and give up your spiritual aspirations of becoming a super spiritual prophet, a preacher, or a miracle worker.The moment you're ok with being just like everyone else and you no longer feel the need to validate your spirituality in the eyes of anyone, you will be well on your way to knowing the real Him.When the words "God told me" don't need to pass through your lips in order to impress the person you're talking to, and when you're more willing to admit that you don't know what the heck He's telling you, you are closer than you could imagine.When you're more touched by a warm dinner with neighbors than you are by an emotional church service, you will have swallowed His very heart.When the focus of your life goes from getting answers to your prayers to becoming answers to the prayers of others, you'll know Him like never before."

" I would honestly encourage everyone to take an honest look at their relationship with God and ask some important and deep questions.When you praise Him, what words do you use?Do you use the same phrases and terms you've heard a thousand other people recite at your church?Do you lift your hands and hop up and down like the people on the worship team?Do you teeter totter back and forth from right to left with your face tilted upwards, your elbows down and your arms extended out, your palms facing up, with a look of painful desperation on your face? "

"The problem is that everything we have been taught about how our personal relationship with God is supposed to look is an exaggerated lie and absolutely impossible to obtain. This kind of relationship with Him simply does not exist! Even God doesn't expect it. Some people spend the better part of their lives flinging themselves here and there in a desperate attempt to achieve something that was all smoke and mirrors originally for the purpose of entertaining and inspiring a congregation. When all is said and done, most people have NO idea what to really expect when it comes to a REAL personal relationship with Him. When the real thing is set before a seasoned spiritual porn addict, it is quite frankly, unappealing. "

